
Top Christmas gift ideas for employers in 2024

Written by:
Paul Sintnicolaas
Published on:
July 8, 2024
Time to read:
For questions:

"What's going to be our Christmas gift this year?" This question gives many employers a headache annually. With an endless array of options available, it’s no wonder. Just try Googling “Christmas gift,” “holiday gift,” or “year-end gift,” and you'll be bombarded with offers. It’s not surprising, as over 7 million people in the Netherlands receive a holiday gift from their employer each year.

Trying to surprise our own team.

Five choices

Before you, as an employer, make a decision, there are essentially five types of gifts to choose from. Here’s our summary of the current options:

1. A traditional Christmas Box 

In English they don't know the saying: “A lot for a little, always grumpy.” Traditional Christmas Box are often packed with low-cost items, which some employers consider a must-have. As you can tell, we have mixed feelings about them (more on that later). Surprisingly, nearly half of the Netherlands still opts for such traditional packages!

2. One large gift 

A growing trend is the shift toward one beautiful, large gift. Think of a substantial Rituals set or something entirely different. The possibilities are endless—we've even seen barbecues being given! However, choosing something that makes everyone happy can be tricky.

3. The classic gift card or the latest choice concept 

Yes, the classic VVV gift card remains a beloved present for many. But there’s a newer trend: choice concepts that offer employees even more freedom. How does it work? An employee receives an allocated budget and then selects their own gift. This trend is becoming more visible, with about 30% of employers now opting for this option.

4. Christmas markets never die 

The traditional feel with local products and a moment of togetherness explains its continued popularity. Modern twists have emerged, such as Oh My Good’s Christmas market featuring sustainable entrepreneurs. They organize on-site Christmas markets where employees can use gift cards to buy physical products, meet the entrepreneurs, and hear their stories. Last year, we participated in such events for companies like Capgemini and Randstad with MOYU.

5. An experience now or later 

You can turn the gift into an experience by having an extravagant Christmas dinner or combining it with a team outing. Alternatively, you might skip the Christmas festivities and appreciate your employees at another time. It’s up to you.

You might wonder, why think about Christmas choices so early? Suppliers start preparations much earlier than you might imagine. Each February, the buying season kicks off, with buyers actively searching for the best deals on Christmas packages. The selection process for holiday gifts is longer than you think, often starting before you’ve even finished this year's body lotion and pretzels. The sooner, the better! Larger organizations start earlier, while smaller companies begin their search later. Understandably, the larger the company, the bigger the hassle. Some suppliers cater brilliantly to this by taking over the entire organization process. However, most companies stick to their regular partners, who must present a refreshing assortment each year. Understandably, receiving the same vegan cookies three times a year isn't ideal, even if they are tasty.

Christmas trend for 2024

What are the trends for 2024? In one word: flexibility. There is a massive demand for flexibility—from both the buyer and the employee. Why is Netflix so successful? Because people can watch on their own terms, whenever and wherever they want. This principle applies to the Christmas industry as well. Everyone wants a unique gift tailored to their company’s values. Choice concepts are growing due to this trend. There’s flexibility in products, flexibility in budgets, employee experience, and control. Most importantly, it represents good, responsible employment practices. Especially if the selection includes local, sustainable products with a mission. Sustainability is no longer a trend but a standard. As an employer, you want to set a good example and give a gift that carries meaning, partly through the story of its makers and materials.

You can choose what you want to include in your Christmas box.

MOYU in action

How does MOYU approach this? After helping hundreds of organizations over the past few years, we have a clear vision: we don’t compete against the largest Christmas gift providers. Our communication tool to spread our mission and make an impact is our notebooks, a message we want to convey all year round. We use Christmas packages to further promote our notebooks and work towards our mission against deforestation. Therefore, we don’t compete with the many-for-less Christmas hampers, as that’s not our style (and we don’t want it to be). Instead, we see an opportunity to introduce stone paper, make a statement against overconsumption, and offer a functional Christmas package that doesn’t end up in the fireplace by New Year’s Eve, without losing the festive aspect. Our story lives year-round, but we bring out extra decorations around Christmas. Which of the five choices does this make us? Good question. We think of ourselves as creating a new path full of green, where we hang the garlands ourselves.

We do our best to create the best Christmas box for your employees.

We offer several responsible (B-Corp) products and provide the option for customers to add a Gift for Good choice card with a self-determined budget. This allows for selection from many sustainable Dutch brands. Whatever needs personalization, we personalize it. Only then can we truly create an experience. For the “hurry-up” folks, we also have ready-made Christmas packages available from €21. And don’t forget: you can always customize your own MOYUs for your Christmas package.

So, my question to you: Are you brave enough to do it differently with us this year?

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