Do you have questions?

Whether it's about MOYU, our products, stone paper, reforestation projects, or any other topic. Leave us a message below, take a look at our FAQ or reach out to your favorite MOYU colleague directly.

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Contact information
Office address
Kaap Hoorndreef 66 (Room 5.5.2)
3563 AW Utrecht
The Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce number: 86602497

Get in touch with us

We have a whole team of people lined up for specific topics.


Customer support

Orders & Delivery

Promotional partnerships

We'll share yours, if you share ours

We are always open to collaboration with other companies with which we share a common ground in our purpose to drive sustainable change within our society.

Do you see a common ground with what we stand for as MOYU and your organization? And, do you have an idea of how we can collaborate to mutually enhance awareness on our mission and products?

Reach out to Maja (0)6 4895 3968

Want to join MOYU?

On the lookout for rockstars

You'll join a team that sweats, laughs, and pushes boundaries together in our ambition to grow as a team and as individuals, so we can better contribute to a greener future.

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Frequently asked questions

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